Iconic Projects

Type: Healthcare

Commitent: FLENI

Project: Egozcue Vidal + Pastorino | Pozzolo

Start Date: 2008

End Date: 2010

Surface: 6.200 m2


CRIBA built the first advanced molecular imaging facility in Argentina


FLENI, the largest motor rehabilitation facility in Latin America, asked CRIBA to build a turn-key state-of-the-art molecular imaging facility, the first of its kind in Argentina. Aside from special rooms to accommodate two sophisticated last generation CAT scan machines and a cyclotron, the hospital’s new building has an outpatient sector and a research lab. Due to the radioactive nature of the material used by the cyclotron, the room in which it is housed required the construction of 1 meter-thick reinforced concrete walls for containment purposes. Other important aspects of the construction process were the electrical and thermo-mechanical installations, lab furniture installation and the floor and wall finishings. For the exterior we used exposed concrete with aluminum window openings in order to blend in with neighboring buildings.



La clínica Fleni inauguró un nuevo centro de imágenes. Read

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